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Monday, February 4, 2013

Importance of Early Childhood Education


Education is an important asset for the progress of a nation. Hence every citizen should and must receive additional education, good early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education or higher. Many Indonesian children started on the entrance to the institution, ignoring early childhood education, but to get used to and develop the mindset of children education from an early age is absolutely necessary.
It's no longer new information, the child's first 3 years were a golden age for him to absorb as much information. Based on this knowledge was the more buzzed about the importance of early childhood education. Parents need to know also that children have these capabilities must already be established early.
Not a few parents are considered early childhood education is not so important, the reason does not want his son to experience setres or lost during play. In fact, nearly 70% of human character formation begins from zero to 3 years of age. Early on children are given educational advice cozy, loving, and in a supportive environment.
For early childhood education is the provision of an effort to stimulate, guide, nurture and delivery of learning activities that will result in the ability and skills of children. Early childhood education is a form of education that focuses on laying the foundation toward the growth and physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence, creativity, emotional intelligence, and intelligence spititual.
Early childhood education that parents give to children is a preparation to face the maturity of the child in order for the future development in the future. Currently it has a lot of different schools kindergartens provide good and quality education to develop skills and talents in the child. Therefore, the required effort and parents in teaching and educating children, especially in reading. Teaching a child to read does not have to see what the right age to teach. The important thing here is that you try to provide the best in education later.
Not only formal education is given to children, but the non-formal education is no less important to enhance creativity and discipline time. Although some parents feel that talent or ability of the child has not been seen. But there's no harm in early age children are introduced to a variety of non-formal activities such as ballet dance lessons, music tutoring, soccer club kids, and much more.
Increasing the role of the family as well as empowerment in educating children for the future, is associated with a strategy of which refers to the relationship my father and mother. For the children's education in the hands of his parents. Duty of parents in the educational process is to develop the potential of children whose families originated in the atmosphere, climate relationships, spiritual life of the family and how the tasks are realized.
In essence, early childhood education given to the children are not merely for formality in later life, but refers to the ability and quality of children in facing the future with higher education curriculum requirements and technology. The role of parents is very important and is needed by children in forming good character, smart and helpful to the family, religion, homeland and nation.