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Tuesday, February 5, 2013


What are appropriate goals for educational services provided to young children
with autistic spectrum disorders, and how are the goals best measured as
outcomes in scientific studies, so that effectiveness of various programs may be
At the root of questions about the most appropriate educational interventions
for autistic spectrum disorders are differences in assumptions
about what is possible and what is important to give students with these
disorders through education. The appropriate goals for educational services
for children with autistic spectrum disorders are the same as those
for other children: personal independence and social responsibility.
These goals imply progress in social and cognitive abilities, verbal and
nonverbal communication skills, and adaptive skills; reduction of behavioral
difficulties; and generalization of abilities across multiple environments.
A large body of research has demonstrated substantial progress in
response to specific intervention techniques in relatively short periods of
time (e.g., several months) in many specific areas, including social skills,
language acquisition, nonverbal communication, and reductions in challenging
behaviors. Longitudinal studies over longer periods of time have
documented changes in IQ scores and in core deficits (e.g., joint attention),
in some cases related to treatment, that are predictive of longerterm
outcomes. However, children’s outcomes are variable, with some
children making substantial progress and others showing very slow gains.
Although there is evidence that interventions lead to improvements, there
does not appear to be a clear, direct relationship between any particular
intervention and children’s progress. Thus, while substantial evidence
exists that treatments can reach short-term goals in many areas, gaps
remain in addressing larger questions of the relationships between particular
techniques and specific changes.
The committee recommends that ongoing measurement of treatment
objectives and progress be documented frequently across a range of skill
areas in order to determine whether a child is benefiting from a particular
intervention and that the intervention be adjusted accordingly. Appropriate
objectives should be observable, measurable behaviors and skills.
These objectives should be able to be accomplished within a year and be
anticipated to affect a child’s participation in education, the community,
and family life.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Importance of Early Childhood Education


Education is an important asset for the progress of a nation. Hence every citizen should and must receive additional education, good early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education or higher. Many Indonesian children started on the entrance to the institution, ignoring early childhood education, but to get used to and develop the mindset of children education from an early age is absolutely necessary.
It's no longer new information, the child's first 3 years were a golden age for him to absorb as much information. Based on this knowledge was the more buzzed about the importance of early childhood education. Parents need to know also that children have these capabilities must already be established early.
Not a few parents are considered early childhood education is not so important, the reason does not want his son to experience setres or lost during play. In fact, nearly 70% of human character formation begins from zero to 3 years of age. Early on children are given educational advice cozy, loving, and in a supportive environment.
For early childhood education is the provision of an effort to stimulate, guide, nurture and delivery of learning activities that will result in the ability and skills of children. Early childhood education is a form of education that focuses on laying the foundation toward the growth and physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence, creativity, emotional intelligence, and intelligence spititual.
Early childhood education that parents give to children is a preparation to face the maturity of the child in order for the future development in the future. Currently it has a lot of different schools kindergartens provide good and quality education to develop skills and talents in the child. Therefore, the required effort and parents in teaching and educating children, especially in reading. Teaching a child to read does not have to see what the right age to teach. The important thing here is that you try to provide the best in education later.
Not only formal education is given to children, but the non-formal education is no less important to enhance creativity and discipline time. Although some parents feel that talent or ability of the child has not been seen. But there's no harm in early age children are introduced to a variety of non-formal activities such as ballet dance lessons, music tutoring, soccer club kids, and much more.
Increasing the role of the family as well as empowerment in educating children for the future, is associated with a strategy of which refers to the relationship my father and mother. For the children's education in the hands of his parents. Duty of parents in the educational process is to develop the potential of children whose families originated in the atmosphere, climate relationships, spiritual life of the family and how the tasks are realized.
In essence, early childhood education given to the children are not merely for formality in later life, but refers to the ability and quality of children in facing the future with higher education curriculum requirements and technology. The role of parents is very important and is needed by children in forming good character, smart and helpful to the family, religion, homeland and nation.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Buat Buku Tamu CBOX diBlog Free

Cara Buat Buku Tamu CBOX diBlog Dengan CBOX Free

Caranya sangatlah mudah, Anda hanya dituntut untuk daftar terlebih dahulu ke CBOX yang menyediakan fasilitas buku tamu tersebut Free untuk Anda. Sebelum dapat menggunakan Fungsi Buku Tamu Melayang ini. Langsung saja lihat caranya sebagai berikut.

1. Pergi ke CBOX lalu daftarkan diri Anda, pilih Sign Up
2. Isi Formulir pendaftaran dengan benar, lihat gambar

3. Setelah dinyatakan berhasil dalam pengisian formulir tersebut, cek email Anda untuk mendapatkan kode CBOX, klik link konfirmasi yang dikirimkan oleh CBOX
4. Setelah Anda klik link yang dikirimkan melalui pesan masuk email Anda, Anda akan dibawa kehalaman Copas kode CBOX sebelum mendapatkan kode tersebut log in terlebih dahulu, lihat gambar

5. Copy paste kode pada Gadget HTML/ JavaScrip dan simpan. OPS! sebelum Anda ambil keputusan untuk pasang kode, lihat panduan selengkapnya dibawah.

Buat Buku Tamu CBOX diBlog Free

Cara Buat Buku Tamu CBOX diBlog Menggunakan Anti Spam Dengan Require CAPTCHA (New)

Saya sarankan sebelum Anda copas itu kode setelah log in ke CBOX, lakukan setting buku tamu Anda terlebih dahulu. Yang krusial pernah saya mendengar akibat Buku Tamu yang dipasang tanpa Anti Spam, kejadian pada salah satu Webmaster tetangga blog-Nya dibanned, karena apa? Ya spammer dengan leluasanya akses dan tinggalkan koment yang berbau spam tersebut, untuk menghindari hal tersebut tidak ada salahnya tips ini diterapkan pada blog Anda.

Setelah status CBOX anda aktif dan dalam keadaan log in. Silahkan pergi pada menubar Options ->> Posting Options lalu centang "Require  CAPTCHANEW!", lihat gambar

Langkah itu dilakukan untuk menghindari Spam tadi, yang sebelumnya saya lihat fasilitas tersebut tidak ada, oleh karenanya Saya tidak menggunakan fasilitas CBOX, lihat gambar dan contoh CBOX milik Saya yang pernah dibuat sebagai berikut.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

How Make Blog Income Dollar

After receiving google adsense blog in Indonesia, Indonesia is now the bloggers started flooding dollars including Computer Science Learning blog that used to only get a zero point umpteen dollars per day, as it could've been a little relieved by the dollar per month income was U.S. $ 20 more. Because blogs Computer Science is still learning to write an article about How to Make a Blog Income Dollar is that the beginner bloggers also have the opportunity to earn U.S. dollars. So the double advantage to be gained in Blog Learning Computer Science, because in addition to study for free, can also earn dollars.

Early in February 2012 and then google adsense, as a means of promotion is already receiving the largest Indonesian language, which previously only accept blogs that speak English only, enath in consideration what so google accept Indonesian. Whatever the reason, let's google's decision, we as a blogger should be grateful because google has accepted the Indonesian language as a prerequisite for an ad from google.

How to Make a Blog Income Dollar

Before making a blog income dollars, as a newbie blogger do not hesitate to ask an experienced blogger who has been able to generate hundreds to thousands of dollars per month, about how to create a blog income dollars, due to the free blog, usually there are rules to be followed, there some blogs with free domain name does not accept advertising, such as So is the free domain of the once famous but now banned by google so it does not appear again in the google search results domain Because blogs are very friendly with the blogger is a free blog berdomain then here I explain How to Make a Blog Income Dollar with
How to Make Free Blog
To start up a new blog, plan for the theme of your blog, is themed on the news, funny stories, product sales, computers, mobile phones, laptops and so on. After setting up your blog theme can then visit

After opening a site you will find a front page account creation ( as shown above. Click on Get Started. Keep in mind that in order to facilitate a blog should be earning dollars you already have an email account on google. When you do not have an account at google should Read article on How to Make Google Email. By having an account on google we can have a blog account, email account, adsense account as well.
After having a google account, please login directly and now let's complete the data requested by making this blog such as google, Display Name. Display name here I give you the name of Blog Producing Dollars, or you may make with other names such as Producing Money Blog.

After typing your Display Name, select your gender and writing the check I accept the Terms of Service and then click Continue.

Click New and type Blog Blog Title and address of the blog, for example here I use the address: blogpenghasildolar, and I selected template is Simple. Click Create Blog.Lihat image below.

At this point your blog has been created, but has not produced the dollar as the blog is not just contained articles and advertisements in it. therefore, next time I will post about how to install the google ads on the new blog in order to earn dollars.


How to Install Ad Blog

How to Install Ad Blog - What's up bloggers?? Trick this time will try to discuss about how PPC advertising on blogs. Previously I've posted an article about how to place ads next to articles and how to create pop up ads containers - arrived, but unfortunately I have thoughts to write an article about how to advertise in the blog (Blogspot).

As we all know, that other than as a means of casting ideas and aspirations, the blog is also a means of finding loose change, be it in the form of dollars or rupees. Currently, many services of PPC (pay per click) or pay per click 1 time available and can register for free. one satuhnya is Kumpul Blogger. This time, we will focus on the advertising of bloggers gathering. Buddies who are interested in installing script ads on the blog please follow the following tutorial.

1. Go to the site and click Register kumpulblogger or just click on this link
2. Enter email buddy in the provided box and then fill it captha and click register.

3. Then open the incoming email to the email address of the buddy list and grab that and password.
4. Now log in to your blogger buddies together with your username (email pal) and the password was.

5. After that, my friend will see some display the menu as follows.
1) Script Text Advertising for your Blog: is a form of classified ads script (writing)
2) Script Mini Banner for your Blog: script is shaped banner (image)
6. Choose the one (two - both also do not what what) and grab the script that is given and then attach it in HTML / Javascript blog.

Draft -> Page Elements -> Add a gadget -> Choose HTML / Javascript
Enter the ad script into the provided box.
Click Save.
Or my friend wanted to install floating on your blog? follow the following trick.

1. Draft -> Page Elements -> Add a gadget -> Choose HTML / Javascript
2. Enter the following code into the provided box.
<style type="text/css">
* html #gb{position:relative;}

border:2px solid #A5BD51;

<script type="text/javascript">
function showHideGB(){
var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
var w = gb.offsetWidth;
gb.opened ? moveGB(0, 30-w) : moveGB(20-w, 0);
gb.opened = !gb.opened;
function moveGB(x0, xf){
var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
var dx = Math.abs(x0-xf) > 10 ? 5 : 1;
var dir = xf>x0 ? 1 : -1;
var x = x0 + dx * dir; = x.toString() + "px";
if(x0!=xf){setTimeout("moveGB("+x+", "+xf+")", 10);}

<div id="gb">

<div class="gbtab" onclick="showHideGB()"> </div>

<div class="gbcontent">

<div style="text-align:right">
<a href="javascript:showHideGB()">
Close Klik 2X


<script type="text/javascript">
var gb = document.getElementById("gb"); = (30-gb.offsetWidth).toString() + "px";

3. Click save and see the results.

Speaking PPC means speaking visitors, so I suggest before mate PPC advertising, it's good pal first consider the number of visitors to your blog.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cara Mudah daftar Blog ke Mesin Pencari (Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Bing, ASK) dengan Benar

Cara Mudah daftar Blog ke Mesin Pencari (Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Bing, ASK) dengan Benar. Harapan Teman teman untuk membuat blog salah satunya adalah agar Blognya banyak pengunjung. setelah itu secara materi tentu dapat menghasilkan uang dan secara kepuasan batin tentu ada karena artikel artikel kita banyak dibaca orang lain. selain cara ping blog ke  mesin pencari ada lagi yang wajib dilakukan adalah daftar blog ke mesin pencari,  Apalagi kalau tulisan tersebut tidak hanya dibaca melainkan banyak juga yang memberikan komentar. tentu saja kita perlu daftar blog kita ke mesin pencari. Hal ini tentu saja dapat memberikan kebahagiaan tersendiri bagi pemilik blog. Sehingga pemilik blog dapat terpacu semangatnya untuk membuat tulisan yang lebih baik lagi serta bermanfaat bagi para pembaca atau pengunjung blog.

Setelah selesai membuat blog, tidak serta merta blog kita dikenal oleh orang lain. Diperlukan sebuah usaha yang gencar dari pemilik blog untuk mempromosikan blognya tersebut agar selalu dikunjungi orang. Banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan agar blog menjadi dikenal dan ramai dikunjungi orang. Salah satunya adalah dengan rajin blogwalking atau berkunjung ke blog orang lain. Selain itu dapat pula dengan mendaftarkan blog ke mesin pencari atau search engine.

Agar blog kita terindeks pada mesin pencari, maka kita harus daftarkan blog milik kita terlebih dahulu pada situs pemilik mesin pencari. Jumlah mesin pencari ini banyak sekali. Saat ini mesin pencari yang populer adalah Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Bing, ASk. Jika blog kita ingin terindeks pada mesin pencari mereka, maka kita harus mendaftarkan URL blog kita pada mesin pencari mereka. Bagi pembaca yang ingin mengetahui cara mendaftarkan blog ke mesin pencari atau search engine, dapat disimak penjelasan di bawah ini.

Cara mendaftarkan blog ke Google
Pada bagian URL, silakan isikan dengan URL blog Anda.
Isikan keyword atau kata kunci yang berhubungan dengan blog Anda pada bagianComments.
Di bagian Optional, masukkan huruf verifikasi yang muncul ke dalam kotak kosong.
Klik tombol Add URL. ( Untuk cara pasang meta tag Google bisa baca disini )

Cara mendaftarkan blog ke Yahoo
Sign In dengan menggunakan akun Yahoo Anda.
Klik tulisan Submit a Website or Webpage.
Isikan URL blog Anda.
Klik tombol Submit URL. ( Untuk cara pasang meta tag Yahoo ! bisa baca disini )

Cara mendaftarkan blog ke Baidu
Terjemahkan halaman ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan fitur Google Translate.
Isikan URL blog Anda.
Masukkan kode yang tersedia ke kotak dan klik tombol di sebelahnya.

Cara mendaftarkan blog ke Bing
Ketikkan karakter yang Anda lihat ke kotak kosong.
Isikan URL blog Anda.
Klik tombol Submit URL. ( Untuk cara pasang meta tag Bing bisa baca disini )

Cara daftar di ASK
Nah jika alamat blog anda blogspot, masukkan URL blog anda seperti berikut: 

Dan agar lebih optimal, submit juga di:

Jika sukses, akan ada pesan sukses "Your Sitemap Submission Was Successful". semoga informasi Cara Mudah daftar Blog ke Mesin Pencari (Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Bing, ASK) dengan Benar. dan sukses selalu..

Read more:

Monday, January 7, 2013

Cara membuat Menu Bar pada blog

Kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara membuat menu bar pada blog. Pada postingan sebelumnya saya juga telah menjelaskan bagaimana cara membuat menubar pada template klasik.  Namun, bedanya kali ini membuat menubar pada custom template. Untuk melihat bagaimana screenshot menubarnya lihat di bawah ini:
Cara membuat menubar pada blog
Karena banyaknya sobat blogger yang berkomentar karena kebingungan membuat menubar, saya update lagi postingan ini agar lebih relevan dan mudah:

1. Login pada blogger
2. masuk ke halaman Template
3. Edit HTML lalu Lanjutkan
4. Klik centang pada Expand Template Widget
5. Cari kode ]]></b:skin> (gunakan ctrl+f)
6. Pasang kode di bawah ini di atas kode ]]></b:skin>
margin: 0 auto;
#menubar ul{
#menubar li{
#menubar li a, #menubar li a:link{
border-right:1px solid #F0512D;
padding:8px 12px;
#menubar li a:hover, #menubar li a:active, #menubar .current_page_item a  {
#menubar li li a, #menubar li li a:link, #menubar li li a:visited{
font-size: 12px;
background: #de360f;
color: #fff;
width: 150px;
padding: 0px 10px;
#menubar li li a:hover, #menubar li li a:active {
background: #F0512D;
color: #ffa500;
#menubar li ul{
border:1px solid ##F0512D;
#menubar li:hover ul, #menubar li li:hover ul, #menubar li li li:hover ul, #menubar li.sfhover ul, #menubar li li.sfhover ul, #menubar li li li.sfhover ul{
#menubar li:hover, #menubar li.sfhover{
7. Selanjutnya cari kode <div id="content-wrapper">
8. Pasang kode di bawah ini di Atas kode yang bercetak tebal pada no 7
<div id='menubar'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a></li>
9. Simpan Template dan lihat hasilnya

Untuk membuat sub menu (menu dropdown) agar mudah ganti saja kode pada no 8 dengan kode di bawah ini
<div id='menubar'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Edit me</a></li>
  • Ganti tulisan yang berwarna Merah dengan url link menubar yang diinginkan, misal: link postingan, link kategori, link halaman statis atau lainnya
  • Ganti tulisan berwarna Biru (Edit me) dengan tulisan judul menubar tersebut, seperti: About, Contact, Guest book atau lainnya
  • Untuk mengubah panjang menubar bisa sobat ganti tulisan 900px menjadi sesuai dengan keinginan sobat
  • Nah, jika sobat ingin menambah item menubar (list), sobat hanya tinggal Copy kode yang bergaris bawah, dan Paste di bawah kode yang bergaris bawah tersebut.